Urmila Sumeet Kumar
Co-Founder / Director
Hi, I’m Urmila. I am the Director and Co-Founder of Auzworld Migration and Student Visa Services Pty. Ltd. – a immigration solution firm. I co-founded Auzworld Migration with Mr. Sumeet Vinod Kumar to provide a professional service to our clients. I have successfully completed 15+ years in this industry and have helped thousands of people change their lives by providing them with the best solutions possible and making the process easier for everyone.
It’s a great privilege to be able to help people move to a better place and make a better life for themselves and their families. I love helping people with their immigration solutions, and it’s been a passion of mine since I started working in this field. I’m a firm believer that everyone should have the right to migrate and be happy, and I work hard every day to help make that a reality
MARN: 0641554
CORE SKILLS: Skilled Visa